Sass tutorial: all you need to know to get started with CSS preprocessing

As promised in the previous post, I will continue digging into the Command Line world and introduce the tools that could virtually improve your life as a developer. Today we will explore Sass – a CSS preprocessing tool. You will judge yourself if Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (Sass) justify the name.

Note: This article assumes that you know what CSS is. If not, checkout this splendid tutorial introducing the CSS and HTML to you.

Note: This article assumes that you know how to use the Command Line, at least a little. If not, please check this post to get started.

Sass – flexible CSS

Today we will take a deeper look into one of the CSS preprocessing languages – Sass. Why should you use it? How? When? All answers here.


But first things first: what is Sass? In one sentence: more flexible and “easier” way to create CSS files. And you will see what do I mean in just a second. Hang on.
