WordPress on Google App Engine


Update: this website is not hosted by Google App Engine anymore. However hopefully the instructions below may still help those who want to install WordPress on this platform.

Hello and welcome! Today I created a small experiment. A wordpress blog on Google App Engine. It actually went better than I expected, although there were several caveats that I describe below.

What is the deal with hosting the WordPress on the App Engine? Well, we all know that it is fast, scalable and has 99.95% uptime. But my thoughts are not only about that. So follow along!

How to install?

This is a technical part. But without it the post would be incomplete. And I want you to know how to actually install it.

Basically, you have an AppEngine starter project created by Google. It allows you to download a project with a ready-to-install WordPress together with some plugins helping to run the blog in the cloud.

Most often you can just follow the instructions verbatim. However on some steps you would probably take a look into the GitHub sources of the project. Because they describe some parts of installation differently. But in combination they work quite well.

Nevertheless, there still were some parts where I got stuck. And here they are.
